The Incredible Shrinking Woman
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
      ( 10:01 AM ) Melody  
Powerful Stuff

Andrea Dworkin has passed. I remember reading Dworkin in an Intro to Feminism class I took in college, and she definitely had a significant impact on my feminist consciousness, whether I held with everything she had to say or not-- kind of in the same way that Adrienne Rich's essays helped shaped me both as a feminist and as a lesbian, making lesbianism, in some ways, a feminist stand for me to take. It became much more later, but the beginning, the kernel of it, was in Rich's essays "Split at the Root" and "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence" from her book Blood, Bread and Poetry, which I suddenly think I need to read again.

Susie Bright has an accurate and moving eulogy posted on her blog that will tell you something of who Andrea Dworkin was and what she means to the world we live in now. #


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